Katies new book - 'FROM LONDON WITH LOVE' - ** Out Now **
  • A Wedding in the Country

    A Wedding in the Country

    I’m always anxious when a new book comes out but I’m extra anxious this time.

    This book is set in the 60’s and people may not like the change from contemporary fiction.  They will also spot mistakes, I’m sure of it.

    I am so much of a pedant I even drive myself mad.  I genuinely think every publisher, film maker, tv company should have a dedicated Old Person to pick up mistakes.  I complained about the flowers in Poldark (so modern, and we didn’t have dahlias then) I noticed the lemon drizzle cake in a pre War drama (not invented until the 60’s) and I raged about a First Class stamp in a novel set in the Victorian era.  I subsequently discovered that my old book group read this, all women my age, and no one commented.  It is just me!  And don’t start me on ‘you may kiss the bride’ which is a relatively new thing, not present in The Book of Common Prayer so while it’s fine to have it in a modern wedding (she winces slightly) not one before we were influenced by America.  (Although apparently if you’re hoping for your television drama to sell to the US you have to put it in.  Hmm.)

    So for me to write about a period which isn’t the current one, even if I was there (although young!) is taking a risk. I’m bound to have made a few howlers.

    That said, I loved escaping into a different, safer area.  Lots of memories emerged when I was writing it and many of them were put in.  Sadly, a lot of the more romantic elements are completely made up.

    I do hope those of you who give it a go enjoy it.  And if you spot anything hugely wrong please accept that I tried really, really, hard to get it right. 


  • Comments on this post (14 comments)

    • Pauline Bentley says...

      Loved this book but felt the ending left you asking for more. Is there going to be a sequel?

      January 31, 2022

    • Sally-Anne says...

      I read this one as soon as it came out, and have read all of your books now. The first I found in a lending room in a hotel in Antigua in 2015! Since then I have bought the rest..
      I was just looking to see when your next book maybe due. But maybe I’m being greedy, as there have been 2 in 2021. Going back in time was fine by me. As always total immersion and not thinking about what is happening beyond my book and sofa. Thank you.

      November 02, 2021

    • Clare Stanbury says...

      Have just spent s gloriously cosy Saturday, curled up in bed with the dogs reading a Wedding in the Country cover to cover. Couldn’t put it down, your best yet thank you so much.

      November 02, 2021

    • Grace Bowling says...

      I just love your books!! Absolutely love them!! I live in PA, USA so finding them has been difficult. But I won’t give up until I’ve read and bought all of them!

      May 10, 2021

    • MB says...

      Your books have entertained and comforted me in strange times when travelling alone :).
      I look forward to this new one. I was not around in the ’60s, but I am sure that you have done your best. It is sad when people simply project the present in the past. The past allows us to dream and reflect about differences and their reasons.
      My husband and I dance historical dances. Do not have me started on so called historically accurate dances in period drama!!!

      April 08, 2021

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