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  • Has Spring Come Early?

    Has Spring Come Early?

    It felt as if it had been a while since I’d last walked around my garden and I wanted to check how full the pond was. We had so much rain the other night I thought it might have over flowed.

    As it was full of duckweed as usual (I once had a pond that had no duck weed and no blanket weed, unfortunately the duck weed came from somewhere and now I have it in carpet-loads) I decided to skim some off.

    Of course I had to look at the creepy crawlies that got caught up with the weed before I piled it in a corner so those same creepy crawlies could make their way back to the water. Imagine my delight when I saw a wriggler with a very red stomach. It was a newt! It wasn’t a full sized one but I was delighted. I thought they only went into the pond when they were breeding. May be it’s not for me to set moral boundaries for wild life, but when I found two more, equally small, I felt they were too young to be mating. Note to self: find out more about newts.

    After fishing about the pond for a bit, getting muddy, wondering why I didn’t have a grandchild with me while I did this, I made the rest of the circuit. My garden isn’t huge but I had to inspect the plants as I went. I found several patches of daisies. Not seven that I could have put my foot on, but still. There were also primroses flowering, the bulbs are all coming up and the birds are busy.

    I think this means it’s spring! Even though it’s currently blowing a gale and the jackdaws are imitating tea-leaves that have escaped from the tea bag, and the sky is definitely grey, in my mind the world is preparing itself for a new year full of flowers and fragrance, and newts partying on down in my pond. Hooray!

  • Comments on this post (1 comment)

    • Kelli says...

      Your garden sounds so lovely! I’m about to buy ‘A Secret Garden’ from you!! I hope spring comes soon for us. Its already April but we are getting so much rain and cold fronts that its hard to believe that Spring is here.

      July 13, 2020

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